Choice in Education in the Province of Alberta
The Gilbertine Institute A0363
Principal and Head of School: Kenneth Noster
Email: admin@gilbertineinstitute.com
The Gilbertine Institute is a non-profit organization, created with the vision of facilitating a wide variety of educational endeavours which acknowledge parents as the primary educators of their children. While the Institute itself is Catholic, the programmes it facilitates vary. For example, the campus programs provide a Catholic environment most suited to members of the Catholic faith, yet welcome non-Catholic students who wish to participate fully in the programme. Meanwhile, WISDOM Home Schooling serves families from all faith backgrounds, supporting the authority of parents to provide the education of their choice. The Institute will always support parents as they make the appropriate choices for their children’s education, including their personal choice of faith.
The Gilbertine Academy s.2338
The Institute's flagship school offers a full-time private Catholic grade 9-12 high school in Calgary. The Gilbertine Academy offers two other approaches to learning. Holy House of Our Lady & St. John is a grade 1-8 shared responsibility programme where students attend in-person classes two days per week and home educate three days. WISDOM Home Schooling provides non-denominational support to full time parent-directed homeschoolers, from anywhere in the province of Alberta.
The Gilbertine Academy
Holy House of Our Lady & St. John
Calgary, Alberta
Phone: 866-361-3650 x 102
Email: admin@gilbertineacademy.com
Web: gilbertineacademy.com
Associate Principal of Gilbertine Academy: Yvan Beaudoin
WISDOM Home Schooling
Phone: 780-741-2113
Email: office@wisdomhomeschooling.com
Web: wisdomhomeschooling.com
Associate Principal of Home Education: Simon Noster
Holy House of Our Lady & St. Benedict s.2470
Edmonton, Alberta
Phone: 866-361-3650 x 103
Email: admin@edmonton.holyhouse.ca
Web: edmonton.holyhouse.ca
Associate Principal: Mark Ingham
The Holy House Shared Responsibility Programme for students in grades 1-8 complements the vocational mission of homeschooling parents by providing academically challenging courses in a deeply committed Catholic community. In this one-day-per-week programme, Holy House provides a rigorous course of studies, faithful to the doctrine and teaching of the Catholic Church, which enlightens and informs all areas of the curriculum.
Villa Spiritus s.2469
Lakeland Region, Alberta
Phone: 866-361-3650 x 104
Email: admin@villaspiritus.ca
Web: villaspiritus.ca
Principal: Kenneth Noster
Villa Spiritus is a shared responsibility, Catholic high school Math & Science programme, with one day per week in-person instruction in high school math, science, choral music and religion. Students receive further online teacher support for these school-delivered subjects. Parents' home education of remaining subjects is supported by experienced and knowledgeable home school facilitators and office staff.